Saturday, January 27, 2007

It's Official!

I am now a 1Lt, USAF (Retired).

I went down to the Base Personnel Office (or whatever the USAF calls it these days) yesterday, and got my new ID card, and went to the vehicle registration office and got a new officer's decal for my car.

Even though it actually took effect last fall, I hadn't bothered to get in to take care of the paperwork. After all, who cares what my ID says as long as I am paid correctly. ;-)


  1. Congratulations! (I think...)

    Can you still get promoted after you've retired from active service? I seem to remember you mentioning somewhere you were a sgt when you left, although I could be wrong there.

  2. Long time no see, crazy eddie! :-D

    Well, it's not really a "promotion". I spent 20 years (plus a few months) on active duty. When I retired, I was a Master Sergeant. BUT ... back in the early 80s I got a commission as a Lieutenant in the USAF Reserve. I put in 4 years commissioned active duty, got caught in a Reduction In Force, and remained on active duty in my enlisted status. My commissione as a Lieutenant was still valid, though, and remained on the books.

    When someone retires from active duty, they retire at the highest rank they held. Except, to retire as a commissioned officer, you must have served at least 10 years on active duy as an officer. I had only served four. But, there are wrinkles in the rules. After being ont he retired list for 10 years, an enlisted person who also holds a reserve commission may then "revert" to the highest commissioned grade they held.

    Having hit the 10-year point, I accepted the $400/month pay raise in exchange for the loss of prestige. ;-)

  3. Ah, I see, It all kind of makes sense now. Well, apart from your selling out to mammon by taking such a reduction in rank for a measly $400 a month. ;-)

    The important question is though - do you get a better parking space at the base?

  4. No, but I do get to return the gate guard's salute every morning....

  5. Well, in honour of your recent re-promotion I've fixed up a gift for you that you may enjoy. (liks to mp3 file)

  6. Thank you, crazy eddie!

    That was just fantastic! :-D
